Prof. Dr. Juntika Nurihsan, M.Pd., Dr. Mubiar Agustin, M.Pd., Dr. Cepi Riyana, M.Pd., Dian, Erna, Taufiq, Suci, Ulfah
Source Fund: UPI
Abstract: This research is conducted based on the findings of various empirical symptoms related to learning burnout experienced students of the Educational Psychology Study Program at the School of Postgraduates UPI during the Covid 19 pandemic. The problem of student learning burnout is a fundamental problem in learning because it has an impact on the weakening of other activities in student learning activities, then a solution is offered to overcome it by applying joyful learning methods so that the purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of the design of joyful learning methods to reduce student learning burnout during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research was conducted through the application of a quasi-experimental method using a quantitative approach as the main approach. The questionnaire is used as the instrument to reveal the areas of student learning burnout and the factors that cause student learning burnout that have been validated and reliable. The subject in this study is all students of the Educational Psychology Study Program at the School of Postgraduates who are active students and are selected with certain criteria as 20 people who are treated as experimental and control groups. The results of this research are expected to produce an accurate data about the areas of student learning burnout and its affecting factors during the Covid 19 pandemic. In addition, the results of this study serve as guidelines of joyful learning methods to reduce the student learning burnout during the Covid 19 pandemic, especially at the Postgraduate level. Meanwhile for UPI, the results of this research can be used as an advice to develop various trainings or workshops in helping the higher education institutions to prevent and overcome the problem of student learning burnout.
Keywords: Student Learning Burnout, Joyful Learning Method