Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, S.Psi., M.Pd., Psikolog, Andri Kurniawan, Dewi Suniarsih, Helmi Mahdiarafif, Indah Al Aziz, Kholifatul Amer Jannah, Lidiya Novita, Luthfi Hidayat, Mahardhika Pradana, Meyrisa Amelia, Milan Daryanani, Pupe Putriza, Raysha Amanda, Rejep Mamet, Rifka Silmia Salsabila, Ropiah Tul’adawiyah, Rosita Febriyanti, Sri Suniarti, Tina Janeti, Wuri Relistiani

Sumber Dana : Mahasiswa

Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) organized by the Educational Psychology Study Program, Graduate School, Indonesia University of Education in the Developmental Psychology Course, with Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd, Psychologist, as the supervisor. This service activity was titled “Me and Puberty” and Project 1.0 forum group discussion conducted at Pondok Pesantren Daarul Qolam, Bandung, with 65 participants from middle and junior high schools.

The overall results obtained from the activity, reflected by the participants, were as follows:

  1. Effective mastery of the material and the conduct of enjoyable and comfortable learning sessions.
  2. Effective discussion and seminars during the event, which ran smoothly.
  3. Relevance of the content, particularly the main material on “Puberty” delivered by the facilitator.
  4. Positive perceived benefits by the participants.
  5. Good enthusiasm demonstrated by the participants during the activities, despite encountering obstacles such as equipment issues and occasional participant boredom.

Suggestions for the next implementation of the activity include conducting it in public schools, targeting 5th or 6th-grade participants in elementary schools. This approach would enable participants to better address the changes within themselves with more attention and be more alert to the influence of their environment, including gadgets and other social media platforms. Recommendations resulting from this activity are directed towards guidance counselors in each school in Bandung to pay more attention to behavioral changes occurring in the students’ age group. Furthermore, this activity serves as a way for parents to educate their children in the future, promoting synchronization between students, teachers, and parents in the education process.