Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan, M.Pd., Psikolog, Hani Yulindrasari , Ph.D., Anne Hafina, M.Pd., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung, Agung Alamsyah, Fitri Suciati, Wuri Relistiani, Anti Wulan, Firda Syafriyanti, F Almira Lathifah, Rifka Silmia Salsabila, Kholifatul Ameer Jannah
Source Fund: UPI
Abstract: The prolonged Covid-19 pandemic is recognized as having impacts on parties, as well as on the education system. The pandemic situation is believed to lead to an increase in the role of parents in children’s learning and autonomy demands in students. This research aims to identify associations between perceived parental autonomy support, subjective well-being, and engagement of high school students in Indonesia and Malaysia; and to compare the associations between these three variables between students in Indonesia and Malaysia.The population in this study were active junior and senior high school students in Indonesia and Malaysia. The sampling technique used in this study is a convenience sampling technique. The research sample that has been captured in this research is 979 Indonesian students and 89 Malaysian students. Indonesian students consist of 399 junior high school students, 578 high school students, and 2 students whose education level is not identified, while 48 junior high school students and 41 high school students from Malaysia. The data was collected by using the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) from Huebner 2001 version for subjective well-being data; Student Engagement Instrument–E (SEI-E) from Appleton, et al (2006) for engagement data; and Perceived Parental Autonomy Support Scale (Mageau, 2015) for perceived parental autonomy support data. The three instruments have reliability above 0.85. The t-test and ANOVA were employed to compare the level of subjective well-being, perceived parental autonomy support, and engagement of junior and senior high school students in Indonesia and Malaysia based on socio demographic status with a significance <0.05 to reject H0. The mediated regression was employed to examine the association between subjective well-being, perceived parental autonomy support, and engagement, with a significance <0.05 to reject H0. To employ t-test, ANOVA, and mediated regression, the ordinal-scale data were transformed into interval-scale data using Winstep application. The main result of data analysis main shows that subjective well-being increased the contribution of perceived parental support autonomy to engagement of Indonesian students while decreased in Malaysian students.
Keywords: engagement, perceived parental autonomy support, subjective well-being.