(Quasi-Experimental Study on Parents of Early Childhood in Several Raudhatul Athfal Bandung Regency)
Prof. Dr. H. Juntika M.Pd., Dr. H. Mubiar Agustin, M.Pd., Dr. Idat Muqodas M.Pd., Kons., Audi Nurrahmawati, Ayu Ulivia , Elwas Berdha Krismona, Khoirunnisa, Lasmiyati, Sarah Shafiya Fadinastasha
Source Fund: UPI
Abstract: This research departs from the increase in violence against children in families during the Covid-19 pandemic. Violence against children in the household due to the Covid-19 pandemic impacts the physical and psychological from mild to severe. The massive acts of violence experienced by children during the pandemic are due to the low resilience in the family, which has an impact on the bad behaviour of affection for parents so that it tends to bring up a variety of destructive actions, one of which is violence by parents against children. Of course, this problem requires immediate treatment. One of the solutions offered to increase parents’ resilience in reducing acts of violence against children during the Covid-19 pandemic is to provide preventive measures with Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling activities with Assertive Exercise techniques. Therefore, the aim is to produce a cognitive-behavioral counselling program with appropriate, tested and comprehensive assertive training techniques to develop parental resilience in reducing acts of violence in early childhood during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research used a quasi-experimental method. The subjects of this study were parents of early childhood at several Raudhatul Athfal (RA) in Bandung amounted to 100 people, with ten people as the experimental group and ten as the control group. The results of this study are expected to produce guidelines articles on cognitive- behavioral counselling programs with training techniques as appropriate, tested and comprehensive training to develop parental resilience in reducing acts of violence at an early age during the covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling with Assertive Exercise Techniques, Parental Resilience, Reduction of Violence in Early Childhood During the Covid-19 Pandemic