Prof. Dr. H. Juntika M.Pd., Dr. H. Mubiar Agustin, M.Pd., Dr. Idat Muqodas M.Pd., Kons., Indah Al Aziz, Dewi Suniarsih, Lidiya Novita, Ropiah Tul’adawiyah, Rosita Febriyanti
Source Fund: UPI
Abstract: This research departs from the fact that learning in early childhood education still tends to be discriminatory and tends not to appreciate the diversity of potential that children have and there is still a lack of multipurpose learning resources (for teachers and children) in developing a variety of potentials (differentiated learning). Based on these problems, the research objective is to produce learning resources that are tested empirically in the form of a book called Smart Children Book for Strengthening Differentiated Learning Based on Multiple Intelligences in early childhood education. This book describes two subject matter, namely the first part contains material to strengthen teacher insight which includes the urgency of differentiating learning in early childhood education, concepts and indicators of multiple intelligences in early childhood and concrete examples of differentiated learning activities based on multiple intelligences in education. early childhood and the second part contains material for children in the form of pictorial material to strengthen differentiation learning based on multiple intelligences in early childhood education including indicators of language intelligence, mathematical logic intelligence, spatial insight intelligence, physical kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence. The method in this study was a mixed method consisting of descriptive qualitative to analyze the content of the book which was carried out by 3 people (experts, practitioners & users of the book) and quasi-experimental which was to test the effectiveness of the first part of the book when it was used which involved 20 children’s education teachers. early childhood with a composition of 10 experimental groups and 10 control groups and to test the effectiveness of the second part of the book when used involving 20 early childhood education children with a composition of 10 experimental groups and 10 control groups. The instrument used is a scale to measure the indicators in the book part one and part two. The results of this study show that the smart children book has good readability and is suitable for use according to experts, so it is effective for strengthening differentiated learning based on multiple intelligences in early childhood education.
Keywords: Smart Children Book, Differentiated Learning, Multiple Intelligences