Prof. Dr. Juntika Nurihsan, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Disman, M.S., Abin Syamsudin Makmun, Erna Hadianti Mutajanidah, Siti Maria Ulfah, Suci Rahmasari
Source Fund: UPI
Abstract: This research was conducted based on the findings of various problems related to the implementation of dissertation writing of the doctoral program students of the School of Postgraduates (SPs) UPI, in particular, the process and results of dissertation guidance were not optimal. This student problem is certainly a fundamental problem because it has an impact on the low quality of the institution, in this case SPs UPI. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to identify the typical problems of doctoral students in completing a dissertation at SPs UPI. This research was conducted through the application of a descriptive method using a quantitative approach as the main approach. Questionnaires are used as an instrument to reveal the problems of doctoral program students in completing their dissertations. The subjects in this study are doctoral students at SPs UPI who are finishing their dissertation writing consisting of thirty students from various different study programs. The results showed that there were various typical problems experienced by students in carrying out Dissertation research at the School of Postgraduates (SPs) UPI including problems in understanding the Guidelines for Writing Scientific Paper of UPI 2019 which became the standard in the dissertation writing process, student problems in the dissertation guidance process with the Promoter, Co-Promoters, and members, and student problems in the preparation of the contents of the dissertation. These problems can at least be one of the determinants of the delay in completing the study of doctoral students.
Keywords: Problems of Doctoral Program Student, Dissertation Writing